With the conclusion of What If…?, Marvel Animation released the teaser trailer for their upcoming animated series, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Originally announced as Spider-Man: Freshman Year, the series seemingly would be a new take on Peter Parker’s origin story of becoming Spider-Man in the MCU, as when audiences met him in Captain America: Civil War, he had already been operating for a few years. Yet since the series’ announcement, it has pivoted away from the main MCU canon, as signified not only by the new title but also by the presence of characters not in the MCU, like Norman Osborn.
Marvel Legends Latest News
Charlie Cox Trains for Daredevil Role & Potentially ‘Avengers: Doomsday’
Charlie Cox‘s Daredevil might have been confirmed to appear in Avengers: Doomsday, thanks to a workout picture. Since Cox debuted as Daredevil in 2015, the