Amadeus Cho, popularly known as Brawn, is a prominent superhero who graces the pages of Marvel Comics’ American publications. This character was brought to life by the creative efforts of Greg Pak, an American writer, and Takeshi Miyazawa, a Canadian artist. Making his debut in Amazing Fantasy vol. 2 #15 in January 2005, Cho has primarily been featured in various comic books centered around the Avengers and their individual members, including the Hulk and Hercules.
At the age of 19, Amadeus Cho, a Korean American prodigy, stands out as one of the most intelligent individuals on the planet. He took up the mantle of the Hulk in The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 in 2015, effectively succeeding Bruce Banner. Unlike Banner, who viewed his Hulk powers as a burden, Cho exudes confidence and embraces his newfound abilities with enthusiasm