This years MCU sequel Deadpool & Wolverine has quickly become a critical, box office, and pop culture hit, with its influence now bleeding into the music world as NSYNCs 2000 pop hit Bye Bye Bye has climbed its way to the top of the charts. The song plays a big part in the crowd-pleasing opening sequence of Deadpool & Wolverine, which finds the Merc With a Mouth violently dispatching a group of Time Variance Authority officers. Alongside the bloody brutality, the sequence also finds Deadpool partaking in a solo dance sequence inspired by the boy band moves of NSYNC.
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‘What the F*ck’: Don Cheadle Reacts to Robert Downey Jr.’s MCU Return
It seems that everyone was blindsided by Robert Downey Jr. ‘s surprise MCU return as Dr. Doom, even one of his closest co-stars, Don Cheadle.