Zombie (Simon Garth)

Character Name

Zombie (Simon Garth)


War hero Simon Garth was turned into a zombie by his secretary, Layla, who was also a voodoo priestess, after being killed by his gardener, Gyps. The Zombie, also known as Simon Garth, was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett. He first appeared in "Menace" #5 in 1953. First Appearances: Simon Garth, as the Zombie, made his debut in a horror story titled "Zombie" in "Menace" #5. Originally introduced as a character in a standalone horror tale, he was later incorporated into Marvel's supernatural lore. Major Comic Book Story Appearances: Simon Garth, as the Zombie, has been featured in various horror anthologies and Marvel Comics. Notable appearances include his central role in the "Tales of the Zombie" series, where his character was further developed. Full Bio: Simon Garth was a wealthy businessman in New Orleans who found himself at the center of a voodoo ritual orchestrated by his unscrupulous business partner. The ritual resulted in Garth's death and subsequent resurrection as a zombie. Unlike typical undead creatures, Garth retained his consciousness and memories. Garth's journey as the Zombie delves into themes of horror, supernatural intrigue, and the consequences of dabbling in the occult. The "Tales of the Zombie" series explores his struggles as an undead being, his encounters with other supernatural entities, and the quest for a semblance of humanity amidst his cursed existence. While traditionally portrayed as a horror character, the Zombie has also made occasional appearances in Marvel's superhero-centric stories, adding a supernatural element to the broader Marvel Universe. Power Set: As the Zombie, Simon Garth possesses superhuman strength, endurance, and resilience typical of the undead. He is immune to traditional forms of injury and ageing. Despite his monstrous appearance, Garth retains a level of intelligence and self-awareness, setting him apart from mindless zombies. Allies in the Comics: Simon Garth's existence as the Zombie often isolates him from traditional allies. His interactions are primarily centered around supernatural entities, voodoo practitioners, and individuals with connections to the occult. While he may encounter superheroes or other supernatural beings, his alliances are often temporary and driven by specific circumstances.

Zombie (Simon Garth)

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