
Character Name



Zuras was once the leader of the Eternals. Zuras, a character in the Marvel Universe, was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Sal Buscema. He first appeared in "The Eternals" #5 in 1976. First Appearances: Zuras made his debut in "The Eternals" #5. He is a member of the Eternals, a race of powerful beings in the Marvel Universe created by the Celestials. Major Comic Book Story Appearances: Zuras has been a central figure in various storylines involving the Eternals. Notable appearances include arcs in "The Eternals" series and crossovers with other Marvel characters. Full Bio: Zuras is an Eternal, a race of super powered beings created by the Celestials to defend Earth against the Deviants. Zuras is known for his leadership among the Eternals, serving as the Prime Eternal and the ruler of the city of Olympia, the Eternals' home. Throughout Marvel's cosmic landscape, Zuras plays a pivotal role in the affairs of the Eternals. His character is often linked to the broader cosmic hierarchy, interacting with entities like the Celestials and cosmic beings like Thor and the Asgardians. As the Prime Eternal, Zuras possesses enhanced strength, durability, and the ability to manipulate cosmic energies. His character explores themes of leadership, the responsibilities of god-like beings, and the challenges faced by the Eternals in a world inhabited by both cosmic entities and superheroes. Power Set: As an Eternal, Zuras possesses superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity. He is also capable of cosmic energy manipulation, allowing him to generate energy blasts and project force fields. These abilities, coupled with his leadership skills, make him a formidable figure among the Eternals. Friends and Allies in the Comics: Zuras interacts with various Eternals, including Sersi, Ikaris, and Thena. Additionally, he has connections with cosmic entities like the Celestials and has been involved in events that bring him into contact with other cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe.


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