With the revival of the beloved X-Men: The Animated Series from the 90s, fans are eagerly counting down to the March 20 premiere of X-Men ’97 on Disney+. A newly released poster has now revealed the complete Season 1 schedule and episode titles, adding to the anticipation surrounding this highly-anticipated superhero series.
Produced by Marvel Studios Animation and led by show runner Beau DeMayo, Season 1 of X-Men ’97 will consist of 10 episodes, each promising to immerse viewers in the captivating world of mutants. Following the aftermath of Charles Xavier/Professor X’s loss in the series finale, the revival will reunite fan-favourite characters such as Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and many more.
The official episode titles for Season 1 have been unveiled, offering fans a glimpse into the thrilling adventures that await:
- “To Me, My X-Men” – Premiering March 20
- “Mutant Liberation Begins” – Premiering March 20
- “Fire Made Flesh” – Premiering March 27
- “Motendo / LIFEDEATH – PT 1” – Premiering April 3
- “Remember It” – Premiering April 10
- “LIFEDEATH – PT 2” – Premiering April 17
- “Bright Eyes” – Premiering April 24
- “Tolerance is Extinction – PT 1” – Premiering May 1
- “Tolerance is Extinction – PT 2” – Premiering May 8
- “Tolerance is Extinction – PT 3” – Premiering May 15
With its 10-episode count, X-Men ’97 sets a new record for Disney+ MCU shows, surpassing the previous record held by series like She-Hulk: Attorney at Law and WandaVision. Fans can look forward to diving back into the world of mutants and experiencing the excitement of their adventures when X-Men ’97 premieres on March 20.