Heralds of Galactus

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So who do you want to see next released from the plethora of heralds and who do we have so far?

Silver Surfer

Norrin Radd, The SIlver Surfer served Galactus well for several decades (likely almost 100 years), enjoying exploring the wonders of the universe; however, it became increasingly difficult for Radd to find energy-rich worlds devoid of sentient life. The destruction of the first inhabited planet he offered to Galactus almost drove Norrin insane, forcing Galactus to alter the mind of his herald, submerging Radd’s emotions and repressing past memories. As a result, the Surfer became much more willing to lead Galactus to inhabited worlds, such as Massikron,

Walgreens Exclusive Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer, the cosmic hero known as the Sentinel of the Spaceways, embarks on interstellar journeys within the Marvel Comics universe. Delve into Silver Surfer’s bio, his extraordinary powers, and the significance of his character in the Marvel Universe.

Bio: Silver Surfer made his first appearance in Fantastic Four #48, published in March 1966. Originally Norrin Radd, a young astronomer from the planet Zenn-La, he willingly became Galactus’s herald to save his world. Bestowed with the Power Cosmic, Silver Surfer travels the cosmos on a quest for redemption, seeking to prevent the consumption of planets by his master.

Powers: As the Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd possesses immense cosmic powers granted by the Power Cosmic. He rides a cosmic surfboard, granting him the ability to travel faster than the speed of light. Silver Surfer harnesses cosmic energy, enabling him to manipulate matter and energy, project destructive energy blasts, create force fields, and even resurrect the dead. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, and durability, making him one of the most formidable beings in the Marvel Universe.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: Silver Surfer holds significant importance in the Marvel Universe, symbolizing the struggle between power and conscience. As Galactus’s former herald, he serves as a beacon of hope, seeking redemption for his past actions. Silver Surfer’s noble nature, cosmic abilities, and philosophical contemplations contribute to his unique role as a cosmic hero and a defender of the universe.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of Silver Surfer and his role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Silver Surfer, the Sentinel of the Spaceways, surfs through the cosmos as a powerful cosmic hero within Marvel Comics. His first appearance in Fantastic Four #48 introduced readers to his cosmic quest for redemption. Gifted with the Power Cosmic and armed with unparalleled abilities, Silver Surfer represents the cosmic balance between power and conscience. To explore Silver Surfer’s captivating adventures further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Norrin Radd (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Silver Surfer – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link


As Galactus’s new herald, Terrax found more worlds for his master than any of the previous heralds. Terrax likened the discovery of new planets to the feeling of conquest. On several occasions, Terrax annihilated large segments of the population himself using his cosmic powers. As Galactus had hoped, Terrax’s lack of morality made him a successful herald. But whereas Galactus’ other heralds had a sense of loyalty to their master, Terrax had none. Indeed, he served Galactus out of fear for his master’s power, but even conquered that fear on several occasions to defy Galactus’ wishes.

Marvel Legends Terrax (re released in 2022)

Terrax, the mighty herald of Galactus, wields immense cosmic power within the Marvel Comics universe. Delve into Terrax’s bio, his extraordinary powers, and the significance of his character in the Marvel Universe.

Bio: Terrax first appeared in Fantastic Four #211, published in October 1979. Originally known as Tyros, Terrax was once a dictator on the planet Birj, until Galactus transformed him into his herald. With his indomitable will and connection to cosmic forces, Terrax carries out Galactus’s cosmic judgment across the universe.

Powers: As Galactus’s herald, Terrax possesses incredible powers fueled by cosmic energy. He commands control over the Earth, manipulating geological forces with ease. Terrax can summon and shape massive rock formations, creating devastating seismic waves. He is highly durable, possesses superhuman strength, and can manipulate energy for offensive and defensive purposes.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: Terrax holds significant importance in the Marvel Universe, particularly within cosmic storylines. His power and command over the Earth showcase the intricate connection between cosmic forces and the impact on planetary structures. Terrax’s loyalty to Galactus and his role as an enforcer demonstrate the far-reaching consequences of cosmic judgment.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of Terrax and his role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Terrax, the cosmic herald of Galactus, commands tremendous power and presence in the Marvel Comics universe. His first appearance in Fantastic Four #211 marked the emergence of a formidable character. With his mastery over Earth’s geological forces and connection to cosmic energy, Terrax stands as a force to be reckoned with. To explore Terrax’s captivating journeys further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Tyros (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Terrax – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link

The Fallen One

The Fallen One was originally a Herald of the cosmic entity Galactus, and was his first attempt at creating a servant. Unlike later Heralds, the Fallen One was empowered by dark energy as opposed to cosmic radiation. The Fallen One, however, proved to be very cruel and was eventually imprisoned by Galactus. The Fallen One managed to escape and repeatedly attacked Galactus, who always defeated his former Herald. The hero Star-Lord eventually imprisoned the Fallen One in the inter-galactic prison the Kyln. The Fallen One escaped when the Kyln was destroyed in a conflict between Thanos and the entity the Maker. Although the Fallen One found Galactus once again, Galactus simply teleported him back to Thanos to deal with. Thanos managed to defeat the Fallen One by tricking him into igniting a gas giant, which rendered him unconscious. Thanos then mentally enslaved him, forcing him to serve as Thanos’ Herald.

The Fallen One made his first appearance in Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #34, published in March 1990. Formerly known as an ancient cosmic entity, The Fallen One was chosen by Galactus to serve as his herald. Embodying darkness and wielding immense power, The Fallen One carries out Galactus’s will with ruthless efficiency.

Powers: As Galactus’s herald, The Fallen One possesses immense cosmic power. He harnesses dark energy, projecting destructive blasts and wielding formidable strength. The Fallen One’s connection to the Power Cosmic grants him enhanced durability, flight, and the ability to survive in the vacuum of space. His dark nature and powers make him a fearsome adversary to cosmic heroes.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: The Fallen One holds significant importance in the Marvel Universe, particularly within cosmic storylines. His introduction as Galactus’s dark herald adds a chilling and ominous presence to the cosmic landscape. The Fallen One’s relentless pursuit of Galactus’s goals demonstrates the consequences of serving the cosmic entity and the depths to which one can fall in their service.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of The Fallen One and his role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: The Fallen One, the dark herald of Galactus, casts a shadow over the Marvel Comics universe with his formidable power. His first appearance in Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #34 marked the emergence of an enigmatic and foreboding character. Armed with dark energy and an unwavering dedication to Galactus, The Fallen One stands as a fearsome opponent. To explore The Fallen One’s captivating journeys further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • The Fallen One (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • The Fallen One – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link

Fire Lord

Pyreus Kril was serving as first naval officer aboard the Xandarian explorer ship Way-Opener when his commander and friend, Gabriel Lan, was unexpectedly abducted by a teleportation beam. Vowing to rescue him, Kril assumed command of the Way-Opener and began to pursue the ship of Galactus that transmitted the beam. Much later, Pyreus Kril caught up with him and boldly teleported himself aboard Galactus’s ship, demanding the release of his former commander. Galactus was impressed by the Xandarian spaceman’s determination, and offered to tell Kril of his commander’s fate if he agreed to become his new herald. Kril agreed and was transformed by the power of Galactus into Firelord. Kril learned that Lan had also become a Herald of Galactus, known as Air-Walker, but ultimately passed away in defense of his master. Galactus had created an automaton of Air-Walker, but that too was destroyed. Though Galactus kept his side of the bargain, he suppressed the knowledge he had given Kril so that he might send him on a mission to Earth.

Fire Lord first appeared in Thor #225, published in July 1974. Originally known as Pyreus Kril, Fire Lord was once a Nova Corps member before being chosen by Galactus to become his herald. Transformed into a cosmic being, Fire Lord wields immense power and carries out Galactus’s bidding across the cosmos.

Powers: As the herald of Galactus, Fire Lord possesses incredible powers rooted in cosmic energy. He commands intense flames and heat, projecting them as devastating energy blasts. Fire Lord’s body is protected by cosmic flames, rendering him resistant to extreme temperatures and physical harm. With enhanced strength and durability, he proves to be a formidable opponent in battles against cosmic entities.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: Fire Lord holds significant importance in the Marvel Universe, particularly within cosmic storylines. His presence as Galactus’s herald highlights the immense power and reach of the devourer of worlds. Fire Lord’s loyalty to Galactus and his role as an enforcer exemplify the complex relationships between cosmic entities and the consequences of their actions.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of Fire Lord and his role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Fire Lord, the fiery herald of Galactus, blazes across the Marvel Comics universe with his immense power. His first appearance in Thor #225 marked the beginning of his cosmic journey. Armed with cosmic flames and formidable abilities, Fire Lord enforces Galactus’s will across the cosmos. To explore Fire Lord’s captivating adventures further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Pyreus Kril (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Fire Lord – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link

Frankie Ray Nova

The arrival of Galactus interrupted Raye’s new-found freedom. Despite his oath to spare Earth, Galactus had become weak and felt he had no other option. Raye saw an opportunity to save Earth and to emulate both her fathers by abandoning it: she volunteered to become Galactus’ new herald. Reed Richards warned her that Galactus can only consume planets capable of supporting life and since such planets are rarely devoid of intelligent life, she would have to lead her master to inhabited worlds. Nevertheless, Raye did not change her mind as she believed the loss of a single world was inconsequential. Galactus agreed to the proposal because it allowed him to keep his oath and he was in need of a new herald. Raye received the Power Cosmic and became Nova.

Frankie Ray Nova, also known as Nova, is a fiery cosmic hero within the Marvel Comics universe. Delve into Frankie Ray Nova’s bio, her extraordinary powers, and the significance of her character in the Marvel Universe.

Bio: Frankie Ray Nova first appeared in Fantastic Four #164, published in November 1975. Initially a college student and girlfriend of Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, Frankie Ray Nova’s life took a transformative turn when she was exposed to cosmic radiation. This exposure granted her incredible powers and led her on a path to becoming a cosmic hero.

Powers: Frankie Ray Nova possesses powerful abilities derived from cosmic energy. As Nova, she can project intense heat and flames, fly at great speeds, and withstand extreme temperatures. Her connection to cosmic energy grants her enhanced strength and durability, making her a formidable force in battle. Frankie’s powers allow her to tap into the Nova Force, an energy source associated with the Nova Corps, further amplifying her abilities.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: Frankie Ray Nova’s character holds significance in the Marvel Universe, particularly within cosmic storylines. She has played key roles in cosmic events, such as Annihilation: Nova and Annihilation: Conquest. Frankie’s journey from a regular college student to a cosmic hero showcases her growth, resilience, and determination. Her presence in the Marvel Universe adds diversity to the cosmic hero landscape and expands the narrative possibilities for cosmic storytelling.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of Frankie Ray Nova and her role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Frankie Ray Nova, the fiery cosmic hero, brings her powers and determination to the Marvel Comics universe. Her first appearance in Fantastic Four #164 marked the beginning of her extraordinary journey. As Nova, she wields cosmic energy, projecting flames and embodying the spirit of a cosmic hero. To explore Frankie Ray Nova’s captivating adventures further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Frankie Raye (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Nova (Frankie Raye) – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link


Morg served as a herald of Galactus after Galactus’ previous herald, Nova, was expelled for sparing suitable planets to sate his hunger. Subsequently, prior to consuming his latest planet, Galactus was confronted by Morg; a court executioner. In the presence of the world-devourer, Morg showed no fear; instead exhibiting a respectful defiance. Impressed with Morg’s demeanor and wary after losing several heralds to attacks of conscience, Galactus decided to employ this most brutal and remorseless specimen as his latest herald. Morg gladly accepted the task of being Galactus’ herald. As a weapon, Morg wields a double-edged battle axe — previously used by him in his executioner duties.

Morg first appeared in Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #50, published in April 1991. Formerly known as Norrin Radd’s successor, Morg became Galactus’s new herald after Silver Surfer was freed from his service. Morg’s unwavering loyalty to Galactus led him on a path of cosmic conquest and destruction, becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Marvel Universe.

Powers: As the herald of Galactus, Morg possesses incredible powers and abilities. He wields the Power Cosmic, granting him immense strength, speed, and durability. Morg can manipulate cosmic energy for devastating energy blasts and project force fields for protection. His senses are heightened, allowing him to detect energy signatures across vast distances. Morg’s power and ferocity make him a formidable opponent even among cosmic entities.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: Morg holds significant importance in the Marvel Universe, particularly within cosmic storylines. His tenure as Galactus’s herald saw him playing a pivotal role in cosmic events such as the “Infinity Gauntlet” storyline. Morg’s unwavering loyalty and his ruthlessness as Galactus’s enforcer showcase the complex dynamics between cosmic beings and the consequences of their actions.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of Morg and his role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Morg, the herald of Galactus, stands as a formidable cosmic entity within Marvel Comics. His first appearance in Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #50 introduced readers to his immense power and his role as Galactus’s enforcer. Morg’s possession of the Power Cosmic, coupled with his unwavering loyalty, makes him a formidable opponent in the Marvel Universe. To explore Morg’s captivating adventures further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Morg (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Morg – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link


Thor agrees to assist Galactus in finding and consuming the worlds. Surprisingly, Galactus transforms Thor into his Herald of Thunder, a title and power Thor didn’t necessarily ask for. 

This brings events where Thor and and Galactus arrive to the first world on the list. While Galactus is prepared to get things rolling and consume the world, Thor prevents him, as the world of Clypse is inhabited with living beings. However, Galactus needs all five worlds. He warns his new herald that the only reason Thor is alive is because of the cosmic power he gave Thor. He sees Thor like any of his past heralds, a servant that he controls. It’s a pretty serious underestimation.

Herald Thor, the mighty God of Thunder from Marvel Comics, took on the role of Galactus’s herald, showcasing his incredible power and cosmic presence. Delve into Herald Thor’s bio, his extraordinary powers, and the significance of his character in the Marvel Universe.

Bio: Herald Thor made his first appearance in Thor Vol. 2 #1, published in July 1998. In this storyline, Thor willingly became the herald of Galactus to save the universe from a catastrophic threat. As Galactus’s herald, Thor showcased his unwavering commitment to protecting the cosmos and played a crucial role in cosmic events.

Powers: As the God of Thunder, Herald Thor possesses immense power and abilities. He wields the enchanted hammer Mjolnir, granting him control over lightning and thunder. Herald Thor’s strength is augmented by cosmic energy, enhancing his already formidable physical prowess. He can fly, summon storms, and manipulate energy on a cosmic scale, making him a force to be reckoned with in the Marvel Universe.

Significance in the Marvel Universe: Herald Thor holds significant importance in the Marvel Universe, particularly within cosmic storylines. His selfless act of becoming Galactus’s herald demonstrated his willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Herald Thor’s presence added a unique dynamic to the cosmic landscape and showcased the intricate connections between cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe.

External References: To gain a deeper understanding of Herald Thor and his role in the Marvel Universe, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Herald Thor, the God of Thunder who served as Galactus’s herald, stands as a powerful cosmic entity within Marvel Comics. His first appearance in Thor Vol. 2 #1 showcased his commitment to protecting the cosmos and his willingness to make difficult choices for the greater good. With the power of Mjolnir and cosmic energy at his disposal, Herald Thor remains a formidable presence in the Marvel Universe. To explore Herald Thor’s captivating adventures further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Thor Odinson (Earth-616) – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Thor – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link

So who do you want to see next?


Galactus began scanning the minds of sentient beings across the universe for a suitable replacement of the Silver Surfer. Eventually, he chose Gabriel Lan, captain of an Xandarian exploration vessel, to become his next herald. A member of the Nova Corps, Lan was brave and prone to wanderlust. He did not refuse Galactus’ offer of immense power and unlimited freedom to travel the universe under his own power. Galactus gave Lan a tiny portion of his power cosmic, transforming Gabriel into the Air-Walker.

The Air-Walker served Galactus faithfully for years, and even befriended the world-devourer. The Air-Walker eventually sacrificed himself to protect Galactus from a fleet of Ovoid warships. Galactus was weak from hunger and could not protect or resuscitate Lan, but eventually managed to transfer Gabriel’s consciousness into a robot replica of the Air-Walker. Unfortunately, Lan’s personality and passion for exploration did not survive the process, and the Air-Walker automaton was a hollow image of Galactus’ former friend and ally. Frustrated, Galactus sent the Air-Walker to Earth to convince the Silver Surfer to return to his role as Galactus’ herald. The Silver Surfer declined, and the automaton was badly damaged in a subsequent battle with the Surfer and the Fantastic Four. Galactus abandoned the automaton on Earth, where the Air-Walker robot was secretly captured by the Machinesmith.

The Destroyer

Galactus agreed to trade Firelord’s freedom in exchange for the Asgardian Destroyer. The Destroyer is actually a suit of mystic armor created by Odin to battle the incredibly powerful Celestials. The armour is constructed of a metal superior to Uru (the metal that comprises Thor’s hammer) and has been enchanted by Odin. These enchantments allow the armour to contain the powers of various Asgardians, including those of Odin, Thor and others.

Though powerful, the Destroyer armor was far different from the sentient heralds that Galactus had previously employed. When the Destroyer was later stolen by Loki as part of one of his numerous schemes, Galactus did not try to regain the enchanted armor. Instead, he began seeking a new herald.

The Destroyer

Red Shift

Galactus survived the Ultimate Nullifier by escaping into another dimension, and later returned after consuming the power of Hyperstorm, a villain from an alternate timeline. After this ordeal, however, Galactus’ hunger only grew, nearly driving him insane. He became obsessed with consuming sentient life, but was yet again without a herald. He quickly recruited Red Shift, a mysterious herald about which very little is known, and planned to at last devour Earth.
Sensing Red Shift’s use of the power cosmic, the Silver Surfer tried to convince the herald that Earth should not be destroyed. Red Shift refused to listen to reason, and the two heralds clashed. Red Shift used his powers to open a portal to a black hole, into which he hoped to send the Silver Surfer, but his plan went awry and both heralds were swept into the trap. Their battle continued within the black hole until the Silver Surfer unleashed a massive explosion of cosmic energy. Red Shift lost his two swords — the weapons which enabled him to open his portals – and remained trapped in the black hole even after the Surfer barely escaped.

marvels red shift

The Invisible Boy

Sometime after Red Shift’s battle with the Silver Surfer, a federation of aliens from various worlds consumed by Galactus arrived on Earth. These aliens had created a technology that could cloak and conceal other planets from the world-devourer. However, they feared that Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman. would become a pawn of Galactus, who would use her powers to make their devices useless. In an attempt to prevent this, the aliens planned to kill Sue, and they threatened to destroy Manhattan unless she surrendered to them. To save his wife, Reed Richards used one of his own inventions to seemingly strip Sue of her powers. Convinced that Sue was no longer a threat, the aliens departed. However, it was soon revealed that Reed had really used his device to swap powers between Sue and her brother, Johnny Storm. Thus, Sue became the Human Torch and Johnny became the Invisible Boy.

Galactus, already intent on using Sue Storm’s powers to thwart the alien federation, arrived on Earth soon after Johnny’s transformation. Discovering the switch, Galactus kidnapped Johnny and immediately infused him with the power cosmic. Although Johnny was initially overwhelmed by his new powers, he began seeking an uninhabited world for Galactus consume while secretly rallying other worlds against Galactus. His delaying tactics allowed the Fantastic Four and Quasar to eventually catch up to Johnny. Using his new powers, Johnny analyzed Galactus and instructed Reed and Quasar in the construction of a device that removed Galactus’ cosmic energy. Galactus temporarily reverted to his original form – that of the powerless Galen – and was brought to Earth. There, the Fantastic Four convinced Galen to exile himself into an energy-rich dimension.

The Invisible Boy


Galen eventually reverted back to Galactus and – for reasons of his own – left his self-imposed exile and returned to his home dimension. Again he sought a herald, this time choosing a mysterious entity named Stardust as the recipient of the power cosmic. Although very little is known about Stardust’s history prior to becoming Galactus’ herald, he claims that he was already quite powerful even before meeting his new master. What is known is that Stardust quickly became the most fanatical of Galactus’ heralds, worshipping his master like a god. His fanaticism led him to not only seek out new planets for Galactus, but also hunt down any survivors of worlds destroyed by Galactus so that no trace of these civilizations would be left alive.

Marvel Legends Stardust


Shortly after Stardust escaped his black hole, the universe faced a major threat in the form of an insectoid armada led by Annihilus. Dubbed the Annihilation Wave, the armada began destroying every planet in its path as it made its way towards Earth. Across the universe, cosmic heroes and alien fleets began joining forces to combat the Annihilation Wave, but all seemed doomed to failure.

The Annihilation Wave had a profound impact on all of Galactus’ former heralds. The first to encounter the Wave was Air-Walker, who had regained much of his identity as Gabriel Lan identity. Sadly, Air-Walker fell during an attack on his homeworld of Xandar by a villain named Ravenous and his fellow Seekers. Without his stalwart partner, Firelord teamed up with Red Shift, who had recently escaped his own black hole. When Galactus realized the danger posed by the Annihilation Wave, he ordered Stardust to combine forces with his two former heralds. Meanwhile, Annihilus – intent on studying the power cosmic – captured both Morg and Terrax. Finally, in the chaos of Annihilation Wave events, the Fallen One escaped once again and joined forces with Tenebrous and Aegis (Cosmic Entity), both also ancient enemies of Galactus.


The malevolent ruler of the Negative Zone, is a prominent villain in Marvel Comics. Explore the bio of Annihilus, including his first appearance in the comics, and discover the extraordinary powers that make him a formidable cosmic antagonist.

Bio: Annihilus made his first appearance in Fantastic Four #6, published in 1962. As the ruler of the hazardous Negative Zone, Annihilus possesses an insatiable thirst for power and domination. He constantly seeks to expand his influence beyond his realm, posing a significant threat to the heroes of the Marvel Universe.

Powers: Annihilus wields a range of extraordinary powers that amplify his villainous might. With enhanced strength, speed, and durability, he surpasses many other beings in the Marvel Universe. Annihilus’s cosmic control rod grants him mastery over energy manipulation, flight, and the ability to unleash devastating energy blasts. His control over the Annihilation Wave, a legion of insectoid creatures, bolsters his power and military prowess.

External References: To delve deeper into Annihilus, his first appearance, and his powers, you can visit the following external sources:

Conclusion: Annihilus, the ruler of the Negative Zone, stands as a formidable cosmic villain within Marvel Comics. His first appearance in Fantastic Four #6 introduced readers to his relentless pursuit of power and his extraordinary abilities. To explore the captivating saga of Annihilus further, refer to the external references provided above.


  • Annihilus – Marvel Database. Retrieved from Link
  • Annihilus – Marvel.com. Retrieved from Link

Think of anyone we missed? Let us know below who you would like to see next in the Legends line to join your heralds display.

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